Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Crazy Month!!

What a crazy month May was!! So busy, that I didn't get the chance to update the blog! Well, here goes!

The first week of May was alright, we were so excited to go up to Sundance and stay the weekend in a cabin with Alex's family. Just a little reunion, time away together. Thanks so Alex's bosses, they were super generous to let us stay in one of their cabins. If you ever want to get away to a nice cabin, check out Stewart Mountain Lodging. :) The day we were supposed to head up the mountain, Tyler had a pretty bad fever. :( He seemed ok, other than being hot, so we still went. Later that day he was very lethargic. Not like him at all. We rushed down the mountain to the Dr's when his fever got to 102... He also had other signs of RSV again... We've been a little paranoid since his last hospital stay. The Dr told us he had another ear infection. This makes 3 in 3 months. So we picked up the prescription and went back to Sundance. Usually after taking the antibiotic once or twice, kids go back to their happy selves. Tyler just got worse. Then we noticed little sores all over his hands and feet. We googled it, and lo and behold, he also had hand foot mouth disease. It's a childhood disease where the hands and feet get blisters all over and sometimes in the mouth. We didn't see any in Tyler's mouth. Off to the Dr we went again. Nothing can be done about HFM, it's just like RSV, you have to let it run its course. The Dr did tell us not to worry about getting it though, its just in kids. (HFM is SUPER contagious.)

A few days later, Alex came home feeling a little sick. Within a few hours he was dead to the world on the couch with food poisoning. I have never seen something knock him out like that... That was a fun time for me! Playing nurse to my husband and baby! I just prayed that I wouldn't get sick too.

That weekend a really good friend of the family was getting married, so my parents and sister came up. We had a fun little drive up to Logan and then brought Paige home with us to spend the weekend so my parents could have a little vacation. We had lots of fun playing with Tyler, getting pedicures, going to the creamery, playing games... We can't wait to go back to Cali and have more fun!

The week after they left was pretty uneventful, until the weekend. This time we went to Park City with some friends. That was a blast. We totally felt like adults when we decided to go, we got to pick our bedtime, where we wanted to go, no rules. :) You'd think we'd be used to feeling this way since we've both been living away from home for over 4 or 5 years. Still, it was so much fun. We walked up and down Main Street looking in all the windows of the little shops. Everything closed super early so we couldn't go inside. Tyler was sporting his red sunglasses... He's so cool. We didn't take any pictures, so next time I'll be sure to grab some. :) That was it for our crazy month!

Now, we have 2 weeks left before we head to Irvine for Alex's internship. Time to start packing!!

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